Monday 13 January 2014

Happy New Year!

I feel that big things are to come of 2014...

...but just for now, I am really looking forward to this weekend's events at KARST. 

This Friday (January 17th) is the screening of Vest & Page's The Movie Trilogy, then live performance 'A Moorphologic Journey (On The Borders of  Our Bodies) Chapter 2' on Saturday 25th January. 

'VestAndPage invite the public to witness their durational performance 'A Morphologic Journey (On The Borders Of Our Bodies) Chapter 2'. This work was first conceived as part of their UK debut show and seminal 2011 exhibition ‘Vessel’, in the derelict building in which KARST has been established. The piece was composed as a 3-hour performance, divided into four episodes which are  to be continued as the pair revisit this old haunt.   

The performance takes James Joyce’s novel Ulysses as an inspiration, and the protagonists journey and encounters with a variety of women. These staged meetings with archetypal characters represent analogies of the behavioural patterns of people on the run; men and women in search to forget, with a longing for union and permanence. VestAndPage's process-led work will allow for moments of improvisation and reflection. The piece questions intimacy and trust in moments of solitude, fragility, exclusion and rejection.'

So there we have it. Can't wait to see a bit of live performance!
The movie trilogy will be screened from 17th-19th at 12pm and 3pm over the weekend.